1. Wander
“I don't read music. I don't write it. So I wander around on the guitar until something starts to present itself.”
-James Taylor
Wandering is a virtue on the path to designing a life you love.
While traveling can be an adventure, wandering is not about where or how far you go... it's a mindset. It's about being present, intentional and open to new things.
Wandering is about having the courage to leave your comfort zone to discover unique perspectives and experiences that exist only on the other side of comfort, accessible to those willing and able to appreciate their presence.
If you're feeling lost or have a nagging feeling that something is lacking in your life, know this: everything you're looking for lives outside your comfort zone.
It's easy to cruise through life on autopilot at a hundred miles an hour in our comfort zone. Too often our days are a whirlwind of activities and obligations scheduled in the name of personal and professional productivity.
Ever recall a warm and fuzzy memory from your heyday and think that it happened just a few years ago? And then you do the math. That was 2008? TEN years have passed since doing something amazing?!? That's life in the comfort zone.
Routine is the intoxicating stuff comfort is made of. We're too punch drunk on never-ending to-do lists to notice that life is passing right on by.
Sure, we're getting a bunch of stuff done, but is it the right stuff? With all of the tasks and distractions we've created for ourselves, who has the time to even question what we're doing?
It's time to stop letting life pass you by. Break the cycle and challenge the status quo, whatever that means for you. Wander a bit and see what presents itself.
6 ways to wander
1. Be Present in the World
The world can seem like a scary and chaotic place. News sources sensationalize events for clicks and ratings, reinforcing all the bad things that can and do happen.
But when's the last time you disconnected from the noise long enough to actually notice what's going on around you? There is an eerie order to it that seems... impossible.
It's generally safe. People are pretty respectful. We demonstrate restraint and respect. We obey traffic signals, mind the cars around us, and stay in our own lanes. We form lines and resist the urge to cut. We whisper in the library without being told.
See for yourself. Go for a walk, ride a bike, take a drive. Sit in a library, a park or a coffee shop. Wherever you are take a minute to appreciate all the good things that happen. Every. Single. Day. Bask in the order of it all.
2. Be Present with Others
A day doesn't go by without having polite conversation. You know the ones. "How are you? I'm well. You? Nicety, nicety, nicety. Something about the weather. Perhaps a list of complaints."
Make the effort to go beyond pleasantries and surface-level conversations. Look for opportunities to get to know people for who they really are. Be curious. Ask questions. See yourself in them, and them in you. Engage in meaningful and mutually beneficial discussions.
Truly experiencing the people in your life requires showing up, being present and making genuine connections.
At the end of the day, love, appreciation and belonging are all any of us are really searching for.
Go give some and get some.
3. Be Present with Yourself
Experience and appreciate yourself for who you truly are. Let your mind wander without boundary. Rediscover the childlike wonder you used to know. Connecting with yourself and knowing who you truly are is essential to growth and fulfillment.
The best way I've found to cut through the BS and get to the good stuff is through seated meditation. I know, I know, everyone says it. But that's because it's true.
Meditation is not about deprivation or withstanding discomfort. It's not just for monks and gurus. It's an easy, free and natural way for everyone to calm the thinking, rational, busy mind long enough to reconnect with a deeper sense of self.
Sit quietly for 20 minutes. Every day. Preferably in the morning so the endless tasks of life can't rob you of your opportunity. Sit comfortably, whatever that means to you. If you're uncomfortable, you won't be able to get that thought out of your head and you'll get frustrated.
As you sit, don't try to stop or control your thoughts. Let them wander and flow, just don't give them attention. They'll get tired eventually and you'll start to feel a deeper sense of awareness. Notice the You that's doing the noticing.
Quieting the mind is an opportunity to feel the life energy inside you and reconnect with the miracle of life all around you.
Astonishingly, there's no wrong way to do it. Like exercise, eating well, or any other healthy habit, the progress lies in the showing up. Every. Day. You'll be amazed at what's presented to you.
Do yourself a favor, experience what everyone's raving about.
4. Take a Walk in the Woods
Experiencing nature re-energizes us and reconnects us with the awesomeness of the planet we get to call home. Go to any park or trail. It doesn't need to be a fancy destination with stunning views. Those are nice too, just not always practical.
The benefit lies in unplugging from your busy life and reconnecting with the natural world. Notice the order. Watch how birds fly, with direction and purpose. Pick up any rock and notice how the bugs move, with direction and purpose. Notice the rustling of the trees, the breeze on your skin, appreciate how the sun warms you.
Nature has an order. We have an order. Reconnect with it.
5. Travel Intentionally
You don't need to travel to wander, but when you do, skip the detailed itineraries. Don't plan your experience away. Select a few must-sees and must-dos, but spend the rest of your time noticing the life going on around you.
Wander around. Take a stroll. Go to local cafes, markets, parks. If you only visit tourist attractions and do touristy things, you'll only interact with other tourists.
The real benefit of travel is taking the time to be where you're at. Get to know and appreciate cultures different from your own. Experience how people live in different parts of the country and around the world.
Take the opportunity to expand the lens through which you see the world.
6. Try New Things
As the old saying goes, if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always gotten. If you're not feeling fulfilled, you're likely cruising in your comfort zone.
Fear, uncertainty and self-doubt are powerful forces that will hold you back, stunt your progress. To grow and live a life you love, you must slip out of your comfort zone. Everything worthwhile lives on the other side of comfort.
Leaving your comfort zone may seem risky. But the biggest risk we face is not taking any.
Ever wonder why opportunities seem to be available to other people but not to you? It's because they're on the wandering path.
In your comfort zone, you do things the way you've always done them. You stick to what you know. You do what you think is safe.
On the wandering path, you are present, open and available to all that life has to offer. You'll be amazed at the opportunities that present themselves.
Living your best life requires taking some of those opportunities to try new things, learn and grow.
As you begin to wander you'll realize that life offers endless options and choices, and it can be difficult to chose what to do.
You know you want to live differently, make a change, live your best life. But how are you supposed to know what to do? How do you know if you're on the right path?
The hard truth is that there is no easy answer. You just need to get out into the world and try some stuff. A little of this, a little of that. Whatever piques your interest.
Wander until something starts to present itself. Then let instinct be your guide, embrace intuition.