Welcome to Modern Flanerie

the philosophy
Wandering is a virtue on the path to designing a life you love. Get out of your comfort zone and wander toward new opportunities. Everything you want lives on the other side of comfort.
As you wander you’ll realize that life offers endless options and choices. It can be difficult to chose what to do. Let instinct be your guide and trust your gut.
Feeling unfulfilled? Lose yourself somewhere along the way? Get to know yourself again. Being crystal clear on who you are is the key that unlocks everything you want in life.
Reaching your full potential requires two things: knowing yourself and loving yourself. Self love and acceptance is where the hard work begins.
Are you stuck in a rut? Stop ruminating and start making good decisions with right action. It’s where your actions, values, goals and who you are meet.
Living bravely is not about eliminating fear. It’s about facing your fear and doing it anyways. Learn to push yourself just outside your comfort zone, where growth and fulfillment happen.
Most of us don’t wake up one day with a flash of inspiration about our life’s purpose. It’s a process that requires discovering our strengths, narrowing the options, then crafting and cultivating it.
Once you stop accepting the status quo and do the work to understand yourself, you’re ready to design a life you love and get to living it!
I worked hard. I did what they said would make me happy. Why didn’t I feel happy? Turns out achieving someone else's version of success isn’t fulfilling. So, I quit my job and started living my best life.